Seeing Colors During Meditation
33 Powerful Meanings You Can Use to Decode Your Meditation
Seeing colors in meditation for the first time can be exciting and a new experience from your normal practice. But they can also leave you confused as to why you’re seeing them and what they mean. In this article, you will discover the secrets behind the colors you see, so they can guide your meditation experience.
Seeing colors during meditation is a normal experience for many people and has a variety of symbolic meanings. These meanings can be for the healing of your body, your spiritual enlightenment, to guide your personal growth, trigger psychological understanding, or represent an ancient wisdom.
Seeing colors when you meditate and discovering their true meaning can seem straightforward. But it gets complicated when you realize that each color contains multiple meanings depending on your age, culture, and personal experience.
If you do not fully understand what they truly represent, you may misinterpret their true purpose in your meditation.
Let’s get you crystal clear on what colors mean when you meditate.
Seeing Colors During Meditation Meaning and Symbolism
You have been immersed in color since the day you were born! Ready for the catwalk in the latest pink and blue outfits before you could even walk. Colors have been used in ancient rituals, used strategically by companies to sell you more products and colors give you basic universal instruction like red to stop and green to go.
Did you know we can see around 7 million colors!
It’s clear, that colors have a deep meaning in all our lives.
So giving a simple meaning to the colors your see in meditation, is not that simple.
The most important thing to remember when decoding the colors you see during your meditation is what they mean personally for you!
Color meaning and symbolism will be unique to your culture, emotional memory, age, and life experience.
Even the color white has 17 different meanings to Eskimos depending on their snow conditions.
So the meaning of colors is not always universal, but they will be always personal to you.
The Meaning of Seeing Colors During Meditation
1. Seeing Purple Color During Meditation
Seeing the color purple during your meditation is related to your inner imagination and spirituality. It is known to be an introspective color which allows us to become more in touch with our deepest thoughts. Violet and purple have similar meanings. However, seeing purple is known to be more intense than violet. The color purple expands our awareness and connects us with our higher consciousness. This connection with consciousness has lead to the color purple being associated with the transformation of the soul. Purple promotes harmony of the mind which promotes mental stability and a peace of mind. Purple has a lot of power with an association with royalty, nobility and a high-quality richness that demands a level of respect. It should be used in small amounts with caution, especially those who are prone to depressive states. This is because too much of the color purple is known to encourage and aggravate depressive states in people .
2. Seeing Yellow During Meditation
The color yellow is related to acquired knowledge, the mind and personal intellect. It is the practical thinker rather than the imaginative dreamer. This association with intellect is due to the connection between the color yellow and the left side of the brain – which is also known as the ‘logic side’. This association stimulated our mental perception and improves our mental agility. The color is representative of creativity, new ideas and the development of newfound problem-solving skills. Due to yellows light hue and high position on the color spectrum, the color psychology involves uplifting, hopeful connotations. It offers cheerfulness, happiness, illumination, optimism and fun. Yellow is related to our sense of self-worth and ego; it can influence the way we are perceived by those around us and the way we feel about ourselves. Too much of the color yellow can encourage anxiousness due to its fast-moving vibrations.
3. Seeing Bright Yellow Light During Meditation
Bright, clear yellow light during meditation symbolizes the opening of the mind. It assists us in clearing our mind and engaging our awareness with our deepest thoughts. It alerts our mind ensuring that it is fresh, clear and focused. We are no longer flooded by thoughts, stressors or distractions and can finally focus our attention on what is most important. This color may also encourage new ideas or spark inspiration within you or be indicative of a sudden ‘brain wave’ or epiphany. Allow yourself to accept and work through these newfound ideas. Bright yellow is similar to normal yellow in its positive symbolism. It holds the same hopefulness, cheerfulness and optimism that the color yellow does. Bright yellow also holds similar negative effects if too much exposure occurs including feelings of nervousness or anxiety due to the colors super-fast vibrational rate. This color may also lead to over criticism of our personal thoughts or the thoughts of those who surround us .
4. Seeing Black During Meditation
Within meditation, the color black is of secretive nature. It represents the hidden or unknown by keeping thing bottled up. This color can offer protection from potential external emotional stress that a person may be experiencing. This color is the absorption of all other colors and complete absence of light. This barrier that it creates between itself and the external world offers feelings of comfort and security to the meditator. It does this by hiding all lack of self-confidence, vulnerabilities and insecurities. White is a powerful color when compared to black as it has the ability to uncover all secrets that black covers from the external world. White brings to light what black tries to hide. Black can symbolize power and control through the restraint of information. It implies independence, self-control, trust worthiness and strong will power. It can also absorb any negative energy you may be feeling. If found in excess, black can indicate negative secrecy or depressive loneliness .
5. Seeing Blue During Meditation
Blue is an honorable color of trust, loyalty and responsibility. It exhibits inner security and confidence through its sincere, quiet nature. This color is reliable when it comes to taking control of ones life and doing the right thing in challenging times. Due to this responsible nature, seeing the color blue during your meditation is known to reduce stress and anxiety by creating a sense of control and order. Above all else, the color blue seeks tranquility and peace in your life by promoting physical and mental relaxation through its responsible nature. The color blue is a giver rather than a taker and the success of its values relies on the quality and quantity of its relationships. Despite the incredible qualities of seeing the color blue during your meditation – it can also become stubborn and inflexible when faced with sudden change or a new idea. This color lives in the past and relates all present and future experiences to the past .
6. Seeing Blue Light During Meditation
Seeing light blue during your meditation can have similar symbolism and benefits as seeing normal blue. It honors trust, loyalty and responsibility which can create order and organization in your life translating to pure relaxation and the reduction of stress and anxiety. This reduction of anxiety is thanks to the color blue actively seeking out tranquility and peace in your life. Light blue differs from normal blue by being less stubborn and inflexible. When faced with a new idea or sudden change, light blue is willing to adapt to the new situation. Overall, the color light blue promotes creativity and the ability to break free of any barriers in your life. Seeing the color light blue during your meditation can offer you freedom within your internal and external self. This color is rarer to see during your meditation practice than a normal shade of blue. You should experiencing feelings of being uplifted and set free .
7. Seeing Royal Blue During Meditation
Seeing a royal blue color during your meditation is indicative of seeing a convergence of blue and violet in the color spectrum. The color royal blue is similar to a normal shade of blue when it comes to its value of trust and loyalty. Royal blue is known to allow you to “see through people” and be able to access the deepest truth of situations. It can also be described as knowing something – but not knowing how you know it. Essentially this color offers you a clear perception of your internal and external world. It can help you to gauge a better understanding of the “bigger picture” of your life through a true intuition. Prolongs exposure to this color can lead to a delusional perception and reality and is known as “the flip side of royal blue”. To avoid this prolonged exposure – allow your body to naturally experience and feel the color and allow it to pass naturally rather than trying to analyze it too deeply .
8. Seeing Red During Meditation
The color red is a powerful color filled with warmth, passion and energy. When seeing the color red during your meditation, you will feel energized and motivated to take action in your life. This motivation to take action is due to the color’s association with our most physical needs and strong will to survive. The association between the color red and our physical self naturally awakens our physical life force and can be used to express strong emotions such as love. The color red is passionate and associated with love and sexuality. It can also be used to stimulate our appetite and may be your deepest thoughts telling you to nourish your body well. Prolonged exposure to the color red can cause emotions of irritation, anger and agitation – sometimes event resulting in outburst of violence. However, without an adequate amount of the color red, we may feel fearful, intolerant and cautious .
9. Seeing Indigo Color During Meditation
Seeing the color indigo during your meditation will promote deep concentration and introspection during your meditation which will allow you to more successfully enter a deeper state of relaxation and awareness. It is the color of intuition and deep perception of the higher mind. The color indigo allows you to use your higher mind to see beyond the normal perception of your internal state and senses. It is a combination of royal blue and violet which means it holds attributes of both colors such as respecting the truth, using your better judgement for the good of others and the encouragement of creative pursuits. Indigo acts as a service to humanity through its reflection of great devotion, fairness, wisdom and justice in all situations. The color indigo can also hold some negative traits such as a delusional view of reality, addiction and a narrow minded, intolerant attitude .
10. Seeing Orange During Meditation
The color orange is one of warmth and compassion, radiating happiness and cheerfulness due to its association with the happiness of yellow and stimulation of red. It is known as the color of adventure and social communication. It differs from red (physical reaction) and yellow (mental reaction) by reacting to situations with our gut instinct which can offer emotional strength at times and allow us to recover quickly from grief. The color orange is known to have psychological connections with optimistic and uplifting attitudes which can work to rejuvenate our spirits. Orange has association with adventure, curiosity, competition and independence due to its assimilation of new ideas and free spirit. The color can assist in social communication skills due to its warm and inviting nature as well as its stimulating aspect which can encourage interesting conversation. Younger people respond particularly well to the color orange due to its youthful and impulsive characteristics .
11. Seeing Violet Color During Meditation
The color violet is a variation of the color purple which is known to expand our awareness and connect us to our higher consciousness through its spiritual qualities. Both the colors purple and violet are associated with royalty and nobility which means they demand a certain amount of respect. The color violet specifically inspires unconditional love which encourages true self love, sensitivity and compassion without any ego driven choices. Violet encourages creative pursuits and seeks individuality and inspiration which can be used to learn our most personal details and use these to enhance our self-love. The creativity within violet can sometimes encourage fantasy and idealism which is far from reality which can be hazardous. As with the color purple, violet can assist us in our spiritual endeavors and meditation practice by better connecting us to our higher selves. It is a powerful color that can turn into cynical behaviors if overly exposed to .
12. Seeing Gold Color During Meditation
As expected, the color gold relates to wealth, success and high social status. Seeing the color gold during your meditation can be associated with abundance, prosperity, prestige, high value and elegance. It is heavily linked to the masculine nature and energy of the sun which is opposite to the feminine sensitivity associated with the moon and color silver. Gold is a rich color associated with optimism and positive attitudes. It is confident and warm – illuminating all things around it which draws attention to itself. The color gold symbolizes generosity and compassion by sharing its wealth and wisdom with those around it. Seeing the color gold during your meditation can result in enlightenment and an urge to exhibit compassion and generosity in your own life. Being surrounded by an extensive amount of gold can lead to egotistic and self-righteous attitudes whilst exhibiting a fear of failure and greed for great power and influence .
13. Seeing Hot Pink During Meditation
Hot pink holds similar values to the normal shade of pink including unconditional love and the need to nurture those around you. It is a combination of red and white which combines passion and need for action motivated by the color red with wise insight and the potential for success through the openness and purity associated with the color white. Pink is a feminine, romantic color of thoughtful caring and gentle intimacy. Hot pink differs from the normal shade of pink by representing more passionate, playful side to sensual love. It exudes the need for avid love through a warm happiness and love for life. The color pink is both giving and receiving of love which can be seen in the nurturing aspects of the color. Seeing the color during your meditation can represent the possibility of positive outcomes, a calming of your emotional energies and a sensitive view of the world .
14. Seeing Magenta During Meditation
The color magenta symbolizes emotional harmony and universal balance. It can be seen as an indicator of a balanced outlook on life with practical, positive decisions been made. Magenta is made up of a combination of red and violet colors which results in a spiritual blend of passion, power and energy from the red and quiet, more restrained introspection from the violet. This combination of passion and restraint means that seeing magenta during your meditation is of practical, grounding nature shining light on your common sense. Seeing magenta during your meditation is an instrument of transformation and positive change which occurs via letting go of past emotional patterns and allowing ourselves to move forward. Being surrounded by an excess of magenta can generate arrogance which leads to feelings of anxiety, being overwhelmed and irritated. To balance this excess, introduce some green into your practice and surroundings .
15. Seeing Rainbow Colors During Meditation
Seeing rainbows during your meditation is a rare occurrence which may be indicative of your higher self pushing you to make a change. It is known that rainbow colors symbolize new beginnings which can be an unexpected turn for someone who is currently facing a life crisis. Seeing rainbow colors during your meditation practice can be interpreted as a spiritual sign to break from your current life path and create a new beginning for yourself. Rainbows are a spiritual omen for hope and encouragement and are often sent to those who need them most. If you see rainbow colors during your meditation, take some time to examine your life and become honest with yourself about what aspects bring you joy and what aspects negatively impact you. Take the spiritual encouragement for change as the motivator you have been seeking. Let go of past negative experiences and truly allow yourself to feel and accept this newfound change .
16. Seeing Lavender During Meditation
Lavender is the combination of color purple and blue which leads to a mixture of honorable trust and heightened spiritual connection with your higher self. Purple allows us to control our emotions and build an empathetic love for humanity. Lavender is attracted to beautiful things and is known to have traits including fragility, sensitivity and vulnerability. The colors attraction to beautiful things means that you may be more likely to see lavender during your meditation if meditating with a loved one or in nature. Seeing lavender during your meditation can encourage you to open up to those around you and build empathetic skills which will help you to become a better person when acknowledging other people’s emotions. This color represents our ability to make spiritual connections with others. In order to make a strong spiritual connection, we are required to become sensitive and fragile with ourselves and the people that surround us .
17. Seeing Green During Meditation
The color green is representative of balance, harmony and self-growth. It has the ability to balance our emotions and create an equilibrium between our head and our heart. Seeing green during your meditation can symbolize renewal and rebirth of dead energy. Green is an emotionally positive color that allows us to renew our energy and restore us back to a sense of well-being by loving and nurturing ourselves and those around us. Overall, it is a natural peacemaker and brings harmony and balance to ones life. Green is a combination of the colors blue and yellow which allows it to encompass the optimism and clarity of yellow and calm insight of blue. Green is a promoter of love for nature, family, friends and the home. It relates to endurance, stability and is symbolic of abundance and a general feeling of safety and security (both financially and emotionally). An overuse of the color green can result in possessive and materialistic behaviors .
18. Seeing Light Green During Meditation
Light green is very similar to a normal shade of green in the way that it represents new starts and self-growth. It is a positive color which can bring harmony, peace, balance and security to a meditator when they experience light green in their meditation. This light green color is similar to the color of new growth on plants which indicated immaturity, fresh starts, youthfulness and inexperience. It can allow us to see things from a new, uninfluenced perspective and encourages us to learn about the subject and kickstart our growth and experience. The color can inspire playfulness while clearing our mind of any preconceived ideas and prejudice. This color is important when meeting someone new or making a fresh start in an aspect of your life. It teaches us to be vulnerable and to understand that we are not experienced and knowledgeable in all areas. It is okay to acknowledge this immaturity and to invest in our education .
19. Seeing Lime Green During Meditation
Lime green is another positive color filled with inspirational associations with youthfulness, naivety and playfulness. Lime green holds more yellow than light or normal shades of green which means it is more influenced by cheerfulness, new ideas and a deep, honest connection with our deeper selves. Seeing lime green in your meditation can prompt feelings of anticipation for new starts, general changes in your life and the prospect of new experiences occurring. It helps to clear our mind of negativity and prejudice which allows us to become more vulnerable and non-egotistic when maneuvering through our day to day lives. As with light green, lime green promotes personal growth allows us to accept that we will never not be able to learn more. Seeing lime during your meditation may be indicative of a positive, youthful outlook on life which encompasses excitement for the future .
20. Seeing Turquoise During Meditation
Seeing the color turquoise during your meditation practice is representative of opening up the lines of communication between your heart and the outside world. It is a happy color which offers a friendly outlook on life and allows us to recharge our spirit during patches of mental stress and fatigue or feelings of loneliness. Turquoise is a combination of colors yellow and blue causing it to radiate positive uplifting energy, calm, peace and tranquility. This color helps with quick thinking, clear thoughts and control over speech which means it is a good color to see before public speaking events or an emergency situation. Turquoise encourages inner health, creativity and sensitivity which helps us to build our self-esteem and heighten our intuitive ability. Too much of the color turquoise can lead to the color becoming self-centered, boastful and narcissistic. These emotions can be a result of too much turquoise causing an overactive mind and emotion imbalance.
21. Seeing Purple Lights During Meditation
Seeing the color purple during your meditation symbolizes your spirituality and inner imagination. It can represent the future through your imagination and dreams whilst spiritually calming your emotions. This calming of the emotions is done by the harmony that the color purple brings. In regard to spirituality, seeing lights during your practice is indicative of positive progress being made. Seeing purple lights is a variation of the color purple that can assist us in connecting with our deeper spirituality and higher consciousness by opening our awareness to ourselves and all things surrounding us. This color has been said to assist us in making clever choices and always strive to do the right thing in situations. This positivity surrounding our actions and decisions allows us to feel content with our situation which pushes us to become more open minded and connect further with our inner spirituality.
22. Seeing green eyes during meditation
Seeing eyes during your meditation is often a positive sign. It can indicate that your third eye is opening which can be thought of as your inner wisdom and knowing which is accessed through symbolism, dreams and visions. When seeing an eye in your meditation practice, it may mean your inner psychic/sight it being tapped into and is willingly opening for you to use. This vision may symbolize an awakening to the truth, openness of your inner self (allowing others to see through the eye – the window to your soul) or it could imply an awakened state of enlightenment. If the eye you see during your meditation is green – it could add to the symbolism and meaning with balance, harmony and self growth. Green is the color of equilibrium between the emotions of our head and our heart. It brings a sense of well-being, self love and an overall positive balance to ones life.
23. Seeing Violet Light During Meditation
The color violet is a variation of the color purple which is known to expand our awareness and connect us to our higher consciousness through its spiritual qualities. The color violet specifically inspires unconditional love which encourages true self love, sensitivity and compassion without any ego driven choices. Violet encourages creative pursuits and seeks individuality and inspiration which can be used to learn our most personal details and use these to enhance our self-love. Seeing violet light often can sometimes become negative due to the intense creativity within violet. If overused, the creativity can encourage unrealistic fantasy or idealism which can lead you astray and reduce your connection with your higher self. Overall, seeing violet light during your meditation is symbolic of our inner spiritual endeavors and royalty. It may be your consciousness telling you to demand a higher level of respect/love from yourself and those around you.
24. Seeing White Light During Meditation
Seeing white light during your meditation represents purity, completion and wholeness. It is the color of perfection and represents both the positive and negative aspects of all colors on the spectrum. White is a reflective color – meaning has the potential to awaken your openness, growth and creativity. White is a color of protection and encouragement. When seeing it in your meditation, you may feel a sense of peace, calm, comfort and hope. White can offer an overall inner cleansing by purifying your thoughts, emotions and spirit. White may indicate the completion of a cycle of your life and the rebirth of a new chapter. Seeing too much of the color white can cause feelings of isolation and emptiness due to the lack of stimulation that the color white has on your senses. It can seem too perfect and pristine which causes stress from not wanting to upset the perfection or make a mess.
25. Seeing White Smoke During Meditation
Seeing white smoke during meditation is a strange experience for some and can come with sensations of “smelling” or “tasting” the smoke. It can be visualized as a white, swirling vaporous substance that appears quickly and may disappear when exposed to bright light. Some label the white smoke as an ectoplasm, which is defined as a supernatural viscous substance that supposedly exudes from the body during a spiritual trance or meditation. It has been said to form the material for the manifestation of spirits. Although this description may sound disturbing in some senses, seeing an ectoplasm often symbolizes a personal tendency to daydream about goals or lifestyle that are currently unattainable. Some also suggest that seeing smoke is a form of spiritual warning. This is due to the association of smoke with fire which can represent a hazardous situation that your unconscious may be warning you away from.
26. Seeing White Dots During Meditation
Seeing white dots during your meditation may be explained by the blue field entopic phenomenon. This phenomenon is logically described as the appearance of tiny, bright dots darting across your visual field and may simply be caused by practicing your meditation in a bright space such as outdoors. Seeing white dots during your meditation may not have any symbolism behind it. Instead, it can be explained as a sensory experience that occurs due to the ways in which meditation can alter the structure of the brain. These altered brain structures can explain various sensations that are reported during meditation such as Goosebumps, rushes of strong emotions, temperature changes and in this case… white, flashing dots! These experiences are normal and can be a positive indicator of deep, successful meditation. Rather than focusing in on these white dots and attempting to understand them, simply acknowledge their presence and let them come and pass as they please.
27. Seeing Yellow Flowers During Meditation
Yellow flowers such as sun flowers, daffodils and the center of daisies often arise in spring. This association with spring symbolizes renewal, rebirth and eternal life. The color yellow symbolizes joy, hope and new beginnings. Often the symbolism of flowers can appear in your meditation via sight, smell or sometimes even both. Seeing yellow roses in particular represent friendship – it may be a sign to reach out to your friends and express your appreciation for their presence in your life and the positive things they do for you. Yellow daffodils represent good fortune and the forming of new friendships. When seeing yellow flowers during your meditation, you may feel sensations of energy and happiness. This is due to the color yellows ability to relieve depression and bring joy and cheerfulness into your life. Overall, flowers are great at bringing us feelings of comfort, safety and happiness.
28. Seeing Blue Lights During Meditation
The color blue honors trust, loyalty and responsibility which can create order and organization in your life translating to pure relaxation and the reduction of stress and anxiety. This reduction of anxiety is thanks to the color blue actively seeking out tranquility and peace in your life. Seeing blue lights during your meditation may be indicative of your throat chakra being opened. Your throat chakra is located in the center of your neck and is known to facilitate communication by allowing energy to pass between our body and head. If you have been struggling to communicate your inner most feelings or you have had recent feelings of being misunderstood – this may be a sign that your throat chakra has been blocked. Seeing the blue light during your meditation represents the opening of your throat chakra, allowing for flawless communication, understanding and calmness.
29. Seeing A Blue Flame During Meditation
The blue flame is known as a tool for spiritual awakening. Seeing a blue flame during your meditation has significant power and symbolism. The blue flame has the ability to clear your deeply trapped energy in your mind, body and spirit. It is known that the flame will allow you to tune into feelings of being able to harness the hottest, most potent energy available for clearing, transmuting and healing. We often associate the color red with heat, but it is actually when a flame turns blue/white that it has reached its hottest temperature. The blue flame works on clearing karma in your present-day life. It allows for deep spiritual awakening and leaves you feeling empowered and aware of your powerful purpose on this earth. Seeing the blue flame is quite a rare occurrence – do not shy away from it. Allow yourself to bask in the warmth of the flame and offer your entire self to the benefits it offers.
30. Seeing Dark Blue During Meditation
Overall, the color blue is the color of trust and responsibility. It is reliable and secure when offering you pure confidence and inner security. Dark blue differs from normal blue in its representation of conservatism and responsibility. Although the color dark blue appears to be cool, calm and collected, it is the color of the non-emotional worrier with repressed feelings, the pessimist and the hypocrite. In order to work through these pessimistic feelings, visual the deep blue color gaining light and transitioning into a cooler shade of blue. Dark blue can be compassionate but has trouble showing it as its emotions run deep. The color is a masculine color that is known to represent deep knowledge, power, and integrity. Dark blue is used quite often in the corporate world when aiming to progress in your career. Ensure that when harnessing this color, all your focus is on its positive attributes rather than its negative, damaging ones .
31. Seeing Dark Purple During Meditation
Seeing dark purple during your meditation may be indicative of partially entering your spiritual eye. When seeing your spiritual eye perfectly, it is a deep purple shade of color in a circular or tunnel like shape. Usually it is surrounded by a golden halo of bright light and features a small, white/silver star in the center of the circle. If you are currently just seeing this dark purple color (especially in a circular form) it may mean that you are on your way to seeing your spiritual eye in its perfect form! In itself, the color purple represents our ability to deeply connect with our spiritual self. It is an imaginative color that has links to symbols of royalty, mental stability and pure peace of mind. Seeing this color during your meditation is a positive blessing that indicates successful, deep meditation and spiritual connection.
32. Seeing Golden Light During Meditation
Seeing golden light during your meditation can have varying meanings. Overall, it is important to understand that seeing golden light during your practice is a positive experience. Seeing golden light can indicate connection with your “super mind”: a state of awareness that is higher than the physical mind. It can be seen as a calming aura that surrounds your body and offers protection, peace and clarity. An increase in your self-love, self-awareness, happiness and inner peace may bring on a visual of this color during your meditation as it has been said to be a sign of inner healing. In a spiritual sense, the color gold is associated with compassionate energy, generosity to those around you and the offering of protection. Seeing golden light during your meditation is often a sign from your subconscious mind that you are healing and that positive things are coming.
33. Seeing Pink Light During Meditation
Pink is the color of unconditional love and nurturing. It is a feminine, romantic color of thoughtful caring and gentle intimacy. The color pink is both giving and receiving of love which can be seen in the nurturing aspects of the color. Seeing the color during your meditation can represent the possibility of positive outcomes, a calming of your emotional energies and a sensitive view of the world. The color pink is non-threatening and affectionate. Seeing this color during your meditation may be a sign of your subconscious need to nurture and love those around you. Pink is also an immature color that can represent your younger self prior to life’s experiences taking over your world. Seeing pink light may be an attempt to revisit those past memories and return to a place of youthful bliss, carefree days and adventure. Allow this color to transport you into these youthful memories and reflect on past experiences. This reflection will allow you to truly see the extent to which you have grown physically, mentally and spiritually.